Enjoy a sample from this month's Newsletter:
NOTE: The studies we will review are tagged with citation numbers like this: [2]
If you “click” on that red number, you will be transported to the actual study.
Many of the graphics can also be enlarged by clicking on them.
Women and Children First
Although it’s not possible to review every health challenge a woman or her infant may face in a 4-page newsletter, we will soon discover that it IS possible to reduce the risk for developing irritating and/or life-threatening conditions by the proactive choices made by any mother during her pregnancy and during those precious infant years.
To maximize on limited space, we will abbreviate some research discussions, leaving it to our readers to review the related (footnote) resources for a more detailed analysis.
You may want to refer to these helpful tools:
It’s also very important to remember that most of the products we will review are “targeted solutions” for specific health challenges, and should be considered as important additions to a pre-existing nutritional program.
As Dr. Shaklee repeatedly stated:
a basic nutrient program MUST include 2 key ingredients for maintaining full health: A superlative multi-vitamin, along with a plant-based source of complete protein.
Shaklee provides a lovely assortment of multi-vitamin products, starting with the original
Vita-Lea, and then progressing on to the amazing
Vitalizer System, and finally culminating in the advanced
Shaklee Life Strip.
Vita-Lea and
are both available in 4 different formats:
- for women (with iron),
- for men (without added iron),
and for those of us aged 50 and above,
- the Gold series, with OR without vitamin K.
The Life Strip
is available in 2 different formats:
- for women (with iron), and
- for men (without added iron).
Shaklee’s protein products also come in a variety of formats.
You can choose from:
Four delicious soy-based Life Shakes
(French Vanilla, Rich Chocolate, Strawberry, or Cafe Latte),
And now, 2 new delicious Plant Protein Life Shakes
(French Vanilla AND Rich Chocolate),
NOTE: All Life Shakes are available in 14-serving pouches OR
economical 28-serving pouches. (Save ~ 29⊄ per serving!)
Shaklee's beloved Energizing Soy Protein (Cocoa or Vanilla),
or the no-carb Instant Protein Soy Mix (Unflavored),
and finally the delicious Shaklee® Meal Shakes (French Vanilla or Bavarian Cocoa).
Getting Older
“Growing old” is a very recent phenomenon for humans. For eons, the average life expectancy was somewhere between 30 to 40 years. The most dramatic leap in longevity occurred during the last Century, because of improvements in water purity, sanitation and improved access to emergency and critical care.
It’s simply astounding: in 1900, the average lifespan in the US was only 47 years,
while by 2000 it had skyrocketed to 77 years!.
During this same time frame, farming practices evolved (or devolved?) from natural organic practices into industrialized agriculture, relying on chemical pesticides and fertilizers to force-grow crops.
Food processing and packaging advancements also tend to focus more on shelf life than nutrient content.
This is why Dr. Shaklee observed that
“Too many of the people who came to me for treatment appeared to be overfed but undernourished“
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then sign up right here, right now!
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NOTE: Certain portions of our website are password protected.
Contact me at DrFrankmeister@sbcglobal.net for that access.
Your Shaklee
Frank M. Painter, DC
HealthQuest Newsletter
Buffalo, NY
My Shaklee Page
Member ID:
Please e-mail me
I am happy to help!
Shaklee Life-Strip
– and –
Shaklee Vitalizer
Shaklee Protein
Shaklee 180
Shaklee Vivix
Brain Health
Heart Health