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NOTE:   All the studies we will review are tagged with citation numbers like this:   [2]
If you click on that red number, you will be transported to the actual study.
Many of the graphics can also be enlarged by clicking on them.

Avoiding Alzheimer's Disease

Our previous newsletters on neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) reviewed all that was available in the peer-reviewed literature about prevention and treatment for the full spectrum of NDDs. This newsletter will only address Alzheimer's disease. That’s for several reasons. In the last 3 years, and additional 300,000+ Americans have been diagnosed (now 6.7 million) and because the first wave of the Baby Boomer generation has already entered their 70s.   [1]

Here are some sobering statistics:

  • Alzheimer’s is the only one of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States that cannot be cured, prevented or slowed. (at least so far)

  • 1 in 10 Americans over the age of 65 already has Alzheimer’s.   [2]

Take heart. Although those 2 bullet points paint a pretty bleak picture, Shaklee's Landmark Studies had many participants above the age of 65, and not one of them suffered from Alzheimer’s. More about that later.

I read Dr. Dale Bredesen’s book “The End of Alzheimer’s” in 2022. [3] A family member had been using his approach to address her failing memory with good results, so I wanted to compare his suggestions to what I had already gleaned from the scientific literature between 2008 and 2018. Although his book is an exhausting read, it confirmed that the nutrients we have previously reviewed (and the “Shaklee lifestyle” in general) make up a significant portion of his recommendations.

A little Background

Between 2010 and 2018, the NIH has rejected every proposed trial to test the Bredesen protocols, because the NIH 'gold standard' trial is designed:

•   to test ONE drug against ONE disease.

Even though hundreds of single drug Alzheimer’s trials have all failed miserably, the NIH continues to stick with their single-cure (silver bullet) approach.

We also need to consider how many researchers are working on this disease. First and foremost are the drug companies who stand to make Billions off of any successful drug treatment.

Then there are the tenured heads of university neurology departments, and their research scientists, who regularly receive grant money from the NIH (National Institutes of Health) to better understand this disease.

Unfortunately, all that work has led to a long string of failed clinical trials for the next miracle drug, and since 2003, not one of them has succeeded (or been approved for use).

Dr. Bredesen’s approach is different. It is based on 30 years of work by a group of scientists and researchers. Rather than looking for a silver bullet that might be aimed at the existing disease itself, his group studied the various underlying CAUSES of the Alzheimer’s disease process.

To date they have discovered 36 specific underlying issues, from genetic, environmental, and dietary issues, as well as several well-documented imbalances within the hormonal system.

For those who would like a more in-depth review I strongly recommend his book. [3]
I got a LOT more from it reading it for the second time.

Although his approach is based on numerous blood tests and a battery of cognitive testing exams before the treatment component even begins, I believe that an early, targeted program of supplementation and lifestyle management can be very successful. When and if that does not appear to be the case, we can always take the next step by adopting the full Bredesen protocol.

The KEY is starting to act during the early stages of onset of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (more on that below). This also means being truthful with yourself.

The major contributors to cognitive decline fall into the following categories:

  1.   Chronic inflammation.

  2.   Insulin resistance.

  3.   Chronic stress

  4.   Toxicity (from various sources)

  5.   Insufficient sleep

  6.   Hormonal, nutritional and trophic factors [4] that are below optimum levels.

To address all the imbalances that lead to the decline in brain function called mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Dr. Bredesen developed a program called metabolic enhancement for neurodegeneration (MEND) and over the following years, as their research expanded, they introduced the current program, named reversal of cognitive decline (ReCODE).   [5]

Both programs have been shown to successfully help patients overcome memory loss from diagnosed MCI or the early stages of Alzheimer’s (AD) with impressive results [6], [7], [8], and an exploratory clinical trial is finally underway.   [9]

Prevention is ALWAYS the wisest approach

Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms have saved untold lives.
The logic is flawless: stop the fire before the fire stops you.

We’ve all heard the expression that someone had a “senior moment” when they forgot what they were saying. As a one-off event, that is not very troubling, but there is wisdom in not ignoring the frequency of those types of events, should they persist.

Here are the major “signs” of mild cognitive impairment:

  • You forget things more often.

  • Losing your train of thought, or the thread of a conversation, book or movie.

  • Feeling increasingly overwhelmed by making decisions, or managing the steps to accomplish a task, or following instructions.

  • Having trouble finding your way around in familiar environments.

  • You become more impulsive or show increasingly poor judgment.

  • Your family and friends notice any (or some) of these changes.   [10]

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) appears to begin about 10 years BEFORE the full onset of Alzheimer's. It’s important to review whether memory loss has occurred to other family members (grandparents, parents or siblings), because one of the strongest markers for AD onset is the presence of the APOE-e4 gene.   [11]

BACKGROUND:   We receive matching chromosomes from both of our parents. If one of them carries the ApoE4 marker, you will receive one ApoE4 gene. If both parents have it, you will receive both copies. Having one ApoE4 gene increases the “risk” of AD to about 30%, and if you have both ApoE4 alleles (pairs of genes on a chromosome) your “risk” rises to above 50%.   [3]

As with most genetic tendencies, their simple presence in our genes is NOT a guarantee of onset. But when those genes interact with other contributing factors, such as stress, or poor nutrient status, your risk will increase. This is why the Shaklee Lifestyle can help to LOWER our risk, when we fully adopt it.

Until recently, Alzheimer’s was considered a death sentence by providers, so the average person was afraid to find out if their occasional senior moments were a sign of cognitive decline. Knowing that you could lose your drivers’ license, or be unable to purchase Long-Term Health Care insurance because of that diagnosis (pre-existing condition) was a powerful dis-incentive to act.

The recoveries experienced by people adopting the ReCODE protocol, whether in the early or late stages of onset have been very remarkable, but the earlier someone starts that process, the better the results.

The lifestyle components of ReCODE involve:

  • Stress reduction

  • Daily exercise

  • Sleeping at least 7 hours

  • Avoiding sugar and simple carbohydrates

  • Avoiding gluten and processed foods

  • Increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, and non-farmed fish

  • Fasting for 12 hours between dinner and your next breakfast   [5, [6], [7], [8], [9]

The Nutritional Approach

The following regimen presupposes that they are additions to a basic nutrition program, which would include the Vitalizer or the Life Strip, along with a Shaklee Protein shake to replace most of your animal protein sources.

1.   Inflammation and Insulin resistance

The inflammatory process evolved to help us heal from injury and infection.

Inflammation is initiated by the release of arachidonic acid (an essential Omega 6 fatty acid) following damage to a cell membrane. [12]

Inflammation is then slowed and halted by omega-3 fatty acids, to speed the healing process.

Shaklee’s OmegaGuard contains the full spectrum of all seven ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA to help oppose prolonged (or chronic) inflammation.   [13]

Inflammation can also arise without infection or injury because of our diet. This is why avoiding sources of trans fats (found in commercial baked goods and “fast” and packaged foods) is so important. [14]

Inflammation can also arise following damage to the intestines (“leaky gut” syndrome), which is why the protocol recommends eliminating gluten from your diet.   [15]

To protect our intestinal environment, Shaklee scientists first designed the Optiflora Prebiotic and Probiotic 2-product system, and later the advanced Optiflora® DI to promote improved digestive health.

Excessive sugar intake is associated with inflammation because constant high blood sugar levels forces an abnormally high release of insulin, and our cells eventually become resistant to it. This permits excess sugar to latch onto cellular proteins, inhibiting their biological function.

These distorted “junk” proteins are called advanced glycation end products
(AGE proteins), and as they fill up our cells, they eventually kill them.   [16]

Glucose Regulation Complex contains a unique blend of scientifically supported ingredients that keep blood sugar levels steady and reduce insulin release (and insensitivity), which will reduce potential damage to vascular and brain tissues.   [17]

Shaklee's B-Complex is a unique combination of all eight of the B vitamins. Many of the studies we will review seem to focus on one or more of the B vitamins, but taking ALL of then together, in their proper natural balance, provides considerable system-wide benefits.

The first B vitamin study caused quite a stir in the media in 2010, when researchers reported that B vitamins caused a 30-57% reduction in brain atrophy (or shrinkage) in 168 elderly patients suffering from mild cognitive impairment.   [18]

Not only did this study reveal dramatic reductions in brain shrinkage in the B vitamin group, it also demonstrated that the highest rates of brain atrophy, and the lowest scores on cognitive testing, occurred in individuals who had the highest blood homocysteine levels. This study clearly indicated that B vitamins are protective against the damage that homocysteine wreaks on brain tissue.   [18]

In another large trial, researchers examined 30 different blood plasma biomarkers, including the vitamins B, C, D, and E, and the omega-3 fatty acids, in dementia-free elders.   [19]

They correlated blood nutrient levels with MRI brain scans. The final data, compiled by the Oregon Brain Aging Study, indicates that individuals who maintained the highest blood levels of those four vitamins also scored the highest on cognitive testing, and also retained larger brain volumes than individuals who had the lowest levels of nutrients in their blood.

Those studies make me grateful to Shaklee for creating the patented B&C Complex tablet in the Vitalizer and the Life Strip, because it doubled the absorption of B vitamins, while also providing sustained release over a 12 hour period. WOW! No other supplement comes close to Shaklee’s SMART delivery system.   [20]
( NOTE:   User & p/w are shaklee for Citation 20) See page 3.

Antioxidants:   Although the earliest discovered antioxidants are vitamins A, C & E, the antioxidant group has expanded over time to include the carotenoids, bioflavonoids, Co-enzyme Q-10, and most of the polyphenols.


Antioxidants are natural molecules that help slow or prevent oxidative damage to our tissues. A practical demonstration would be to put lemon juice on a sliced apple, and watch how that prevents it from turning brown (oxidizing) over time.

Evidence demonstrates that oxidative damage causes mitochondrial dysfunction, damage that precedes both the psychological impairment and the anatomical changes seen with neurodegeneration. Because of their protective role, antioxidants have been reviewed extensively as a preventive measure against mental decline.

Vita-D3 A 2015 study revealed that low serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D directly contributes to cognitive decline and dementia, and although the mechanism is not fully understood yet, it appears that vitamin D deficiency causes a loss of neuroprotective properties in cerebral ischemia and vascular lesions, contributing to memory impairment.   [21]

The NIH also reports that 20 to 25% of U.S. adults over age 60 have inadequate zinc intake. Because zinc provides numerous functions in brain chemistry [18] and in mediating inflammation [19], it is another key nutrient for controlling chronic inflammation.

Zinc Complex plays a part in numerous other cellular processes, from the breakdown of sugar into energy, to supporting brain function.
Think of zinc as nature’s metabolic workhorse.

Exercise also reduces insulin resistance, another key player in AD. It also improves vascular function, reduces stress, and improves our sleep patterns.

2.   Stress Management

The hormone most associated with health-related decline is cortisol. Short-term release of cortisol provides a quick burst of energy for survival, and heightens mental acuity. Unfortunately, prolonged release (chronic stress) impairs cognitive performance, suppresses thyroid function, increases blood pressure and depresses immune and inflammatory responses. [20] This also makes stress a major contributor to Alzheimer’s.

Stress also depletes various key nutrients, including the B and C vitamins, along with some of the essential amino acids that our brain requires to produce neurotransmitters.

Stress Relief Complex contains a unique blend of ingredients (Ashwaganda, L-Tyrosine, Beta-sitosterol and L-theanine) to blunt the impact of cortisol on our health (cardiovascular and brain tissues).

3.   Toxicity

There are many sources of toxins, from household cleaners to work-related, diet-related and environmental exposures, and even from the mercury in your dental fillings.

Certain molds also release mycotoxins, and once they take residence in our sinus cavities, release toxins that can impact brain function.

If the basic program that we just reviewed does not provide significant improvements during the first 3- to 6-months, you may want to consider being tested for mycotoxin exposure.

Do you eat fish with high mercury levels, like tuna, king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, shark, or swordfish? If so, consider switching to the "SMASH fish":
salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, and herring.

Mercury is particularly vicious to brain tissues (Mad Hatter disease). [21] Other metals also depose in the brain and contribute to neurodegeneration by inducing oxidative stress, disrupting mitochondrial function, and impairing the activity of numerous enzymes. Excess copper (Cu) in our water (from copper tubing) may enhance the build-up of amyloid precursor proteins that are associated with AD onset. [22] This is another reason to take zinc, to bring balance back to the copper-to-zinc ratio in our brain.

Fortunately, certain foods enhance detoxification, including:

cilantro, the cruciferous vegetables (arugula, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, collards, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, rutabaga, turnip) avocados, artichokes, beets, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, lemons, olive oil and seaweed.

This is where EZ-Gest can come to the rescue for any individual who has difficulty digesting the cruciferous vegetables. [23]

Every step along the way, Shaklee has guaranteed that their supplements are the safest, most potent, and clinically effective nutrients available anywhere, to help us recover and maintain our health.

Your Shaklee

Wellness for Life

Nancy Johnson
Jamestown, NY

(716) 640-1310

My Shaklee Page

Member ID:   HA29428

Please e-mail me
I am happy to help!

Shaklee Life-Strip

– and –

Shaklee Vitalizer

Shaklee Protein

Shaklee Vivix

Your Shaklee

Wellness for Life

Nancy Johnson
Jamestown, NY

(716) 640-1310

My Shaklee Page

Member ID:   HA29428

Please e-mail me
I am happy to help!

Shaklee 180

Brain Health

Shaklee Immunity

Your Shaklee

Wellness for Life

Nancy Johnson
Jamestown, NY

(716) 640-1310

My Shaklee Page

Member ID:   HA29428

Please e-mail me
I am happy to help!

Shaklee Sports

Heart Health

Digestive Health

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Wellness for Life

Nancy Johnson
Jamestown, NY

(716) 640-1310

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Member ID:   HA29428

Please e-mail me
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* Although these statements may have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration,
they are all drawn directly from the peer-reviewed scientific literature, and that's good enough for me!