Take Your Shape In A Whole New Direction
Make A Turnaround With Shaklee 180

Shaklee Life Shake

Considerable research has shown that the low glycemic nature of the Shaklee Life Shake is a major contributor towards its success. Researchers in Denmark studied a group of 1,200 people who had already lost at least 8% of their body weight through dieting. The object of the study was to determine what diet would help them to maintain that weight loss.

They designed 4 follow-up diets:

  • a low-protein and low-glycemic index diet,
  • a low-protein and high-glycemic index diet,
  • a high-protein and low-glycemic index diet, or
  • a high-protein and high-glycemic index diet.
Of these four active plans, the only diet that helped participants to maintain their weight loss, and continue to lose even more weight, was the high protein and low glycemic diet.

And that is the exclusive design of the Shaklee Life Shake. [19]

There are 4 delicious flavors to choose from:
Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Cafe Latte.

And, ta-da! There's even a non-soy shake option in 2 delicious flavors:
Vanilla or Chocolate.

They are ALL available in 2 different size formats:
The 14-serving pouch and the 28-serving pouch.

NOTE: All of these shake options are easily available, using the
Select Product Type, Select Size and the Select Flavor drop-downs.

The Metabolic Boost

The original CINCH 3-in-1 Boost has now evolved into Metabolic Boost.   This one-per-meal supplement contains a proprietary Thermogenic Blend, featuring EGCG (epigallocatechin-3- gallate), a green tea nutrient that has been shown clinically to boost metabolism naturally, with NONE of the harsh side-effects associated with chemical stimulants like Ephedra. [24], [25], [26]

It also contains evodia, a Chinese plant extract used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for obesity. A recent clinical trial found evodia highly effective at burning fat without the usual depression of resting metabolic rates. [27]

It also contains Purple corn extract, a rare Peruvian super food that contains a variety of phytonutrients, including high levels of anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant. [28]

Metabolic Boost also contains the wonderful Glucose Regulation Complex, Shaklee’s premier supplement for lowering and managing healthy blood sugar levels.

The first understanding about the relationship between chromium and leucine deficiency and diabetes was published in 1977. A 40 year-old woman, who had been on intravenous feeding for over 5 years, suddenly started losing weight. [29] Although she was receiving more than 1,600 calories a day of glucose, she also developed various diabetic symptoms, including peripheral neuropathy.

Blood testing revealed a poor insulin response, and a reduction in blood plasma levels of both leucine and chromium. Infusing her with insulin provided minimal improvement, but when they added 250 mcg of chromium to her daily regimen, her blood sugar levels immediately normalized, she started to gain weight again, and her neuropathy disappeared.

Then, in 1997, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with doctors at the Beijing Medical University, revealed that chromium was very useful in the management of diabetes, but at levels much higher than previously considered. [30]

Working with a large group of Chinese adults with type II diabetes, they divided them into 3 study groups. Patients either received 200 mcg/day of chromium, 1,000 mcg/day, or a placebo. The best results occurred in the group who received the largest dose of chromium, and it was observed that, as their glucose levels normalized, their insulin sensitivity also increased. That means that these patients required less supplemental insulin.

Blood testing also revealed that their blood cholesterol levels normalized. Considerable research since that time has demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of high-dose chromium supplementation for glucose management. [31]

Shaklee has never been one to just duplicate the work of other researchers...
they always improve on it.

Shaklee Technica (Shaklee’s research team) did considerable research to review which vitamins, minerals, or herbs might provide additional support for glucose regulation. That is why Glucose Regulation Complex/Metabolic Boost also contains the following important ingredients that also have been shown to improve sugar management, while also providing support for the various complications associated with diabetes.

GRC contains Banaba Leaf, a plant with a long history of use as a natural treatment for diabetes in the Philippines, where it is referred to as plant insulin. Banaba leaf extracts exert powerful anti-diabetic and anti-obesity effects. [32] Recent clinical trials have confirmed banaba leaf’s ability to improve glycemic control. [33] A newly published 6-month trial provided banaba extract to 94 individuals with impaired glucose tolerance or mild type-2 diabetes. They used standard glucose tolerance testing to verify improvements in blood sugar management, and found that Banaba Leaf also decreased the biomarkers of systemic low-grade inflammation normally found in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance or mild cases of type 2 diabetes. [34]

GRC also contains Vanadium , a metallic mineral, which is a cofactor in numerous enzymatic processes. Data from animal and human studies suggest that vanadium mimics the action of insulin. Consequently, it serves a beneficial role in promoting healthy glucose metabolism. [35] Two different vanadium studies with diabetic mice demonstrated remarkable improvements in blood sugar control. A recent in-depth monograph reviews many of those studies supporting vanadium’s use in blood sugar management. [36]

Hopefully you can now see how the Metabolic Boost is a major contributor to the effectiveness of the Shaklee Turnaround Program.

The average weight-loss candidate will then shift to taking Vitalizer in the Vitalizing Plan. For those with continuing issues with blood sugar management, I recommend also continuing to supplement with Metabolic Boost or Glucose Regulation Complex, until you get it firmly under control.

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* Although these statements may have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration,
they are all drawn directly from the peer-reviewed scientific literature, and that's good enough for me!